Collaborating with our cause, your cause and our cause, is really easy. You just have to choose the option that best suits you among the following:

Rellena el siguiente formulario

Fill in a simple form

Ingreso en cuenta bancaria

Make a deposit in our bank account

Make a donation by credit card


These methods of payment are designed for specific donations that do not imply a contractual relationship with Zerca and Lejos. If you prefer, you can hacerte socio o socia aportando una cantidad fija periódica and support our projects on an ongoing basis.

In any case, if you make a payment by credit card of making a deposit in our bank account, you can request the Certificate of Donation, con el que tendrás derecho a deducciones en el Impuesto de la Renta de las Personas Físicas o en el Impuesto de Sociedades. Para ello, es necesario que nos hagas llegar tus datos fiscales rellenando el siguiente formulario.

If you have any doubts or questions, or you would like more information, please contact us at or call us at: 91 368 39 28 / 640 61 05 18.

Gracias por aportar para hacer posible el cambio.